From: Narender Singh Maan (
Date: Thu Jul 09 2009 - 09:00:44 CDT
I am trying to do simulation of a fairly large system (~300K atoms). The EM
runs fine using multiple nodes but not the MD. I am using 2.6 version. I
tried doing it on two different clusters (and version 2.7b1 also) but
getting the same error each time .
Info: 181713 RIGID BONDS
Info: TOTAL MASS = 1.29591e+06 amu
Info: TOTAL CHARGE = 5.40633e-05 e
Info: *****************************
Info: Entering startup phase 0 with 37950 kB of memory in use.
Info: Entering startup phase 1 with 37950 kB of memory in use.
FATAL ERROR: Tried to find atom type on node other than node 0
FATAL ERROR: Tried to find atom type on node other than node 0
FATAL ERROR: Tried to find atom type on node other than node 0
Stack Traceback:
FATAL ERROR: Tried to find atom type on node other than node 0
Stack Traceback:
Stack Traceback:
Stack Traceback:
Stack Traceback:
FATAL ERROR: Tried to find atom type on node other than node 0
Stack Traceback:
FATAL ERROR: Tried to find atom type on node other than node 0
Stack Traceback:
FATAL ERROR: Tried to find atom type on node other than node 0
Stack Traceback:
Stack Traceback:
Stack Traceback:
Stack Traceback:
Stack Traceback:
[0] CmiAbort+0x1fffffffff80b470 [0x40000000007495a0]
[1] _Z8NAMD_diePKc+0x1fffffffff240f80 [0x400000000017f0c0]
[2] _ZN8Molecule17build_atom_statusEv+0x1fffffffff5939e0
[3] _ZN8Molecule16receive_MoleculeEP8MIStream+0x1fffffffff59fc60
[4] _ZN4Node11namdOneRecvEv+0x1fffffffff5cc000 [0x400000000050a170]
[5] _ZN4Node7startupEv+0x1fffffffff5cb6a0 [0x4000000000509820]
[6] _ZN12CkIndex_Node18_call_startup_voidEPvP4Node+0x1fffffffff5fdca0
[7] CkDeliverMessageFree+0x1fffffffff76e6b0 [0x40000000006ac840]
[8] _Z15_processHandlerPvP11CkCoreState+0x1fffffffff773110
[9] CmiHandleMessage+0x1fffffffff80cd80 [0x400000000074af20]
Could anyone please help me out on whats going on....
Thank you
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